Free pop music from Google Play.
Google Play is giving out a free album of music in the Pop catagory: “Alive” by Jordan Lebron Massey. It was released on March 31, 2014 and holds a rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, which is very good.
“Alive” consists of 13 songs, all of which hover around the 3-4 minute mark. These songs include:
- Heartbeat (Part 2)
- Flawless
- Alive
- Celebrate
- Echo
- Ring The Alarm
- Glow
- I Know
- July
- Party All Night
- Love Again
- All Because Of You
- Forever
To get this deal for yourself, just go to “Alive” on Google Play’s official website and click the button that says “Free”. When downloaded, they will be MP3 files. Also, you must have an account on Google Play in order to download the songs, so I suggest getting one now if you intend to snag this freebie.