It’s no secret that jumping rope is a real workout, and knowing this, I began to shop around for one to supplement my daily walks. I first purchased a really inexpensive jump rope with a plastic cord, but was very unimpressed with it. So when I was offered an opportunity to try a Roxow jump rope free in exchange for my honest review, I jumped at the chance, metaphorically speaking, that is.
I ordered the light blue Roxow jump rope through Amazon using a coupon code the company sent me to negate the cost. Since I am an Amazon Prime member I was eligible for free two day shipping and received it within a couple of days. It’s a good thing, too, because I only had a couple of weeks to try it out before I had to publish this review.
When I opened the box, my first impression was mixed. It was smaller and much lighter than I expected. The handles were small and made of plastic. The cord was really, really thin, and when I first tried it, it was so thin it caught under the heels of my shoes and I nearly tripped trying to get started. After a couple of false starts with that, however, I was up and jumping, and I was impressed with how easy it was and much control I had with the rope. Well, I wouldn’t really call it a rope, since it isn’t actually made of rope. It’s a really a thin, metal cable covered with plastic. The quality is good and so far it’s held together during my workouts, and that works for me.
The product includes the Roxow Jump rope in your choice of light blue, red or black, a spare rope (cord), spare hardware for connecting the rope to the handles, a carrying case, a workout ebook and video. Actually, the last two items are not in the box, they are virtual, presumably downloadable. To clarify, the product includes a one-sheet with the promise of “special bonuses”, including a workut ebook, workout tutorial video, 25% off future purchases, some sort of VIP customer status and a lifetime warranty for the jump rope.
The spare cord, hardware and carry bag are a real plus. The bag is a nice touch and makes it easy to transport and store the rope.
Unfortunately, the ebook, video and other add-ons weren’t much of a plus at all. In fact, I was not able to redeem them. Roxow included this flyer in the package heavily promoting Special Bonuses with a QR code and link to a landing page to redeem them after registering the jump rope on their site. The problem was, there was no button or link anywhere on the site for product registration, so I was unable to register the Roxow product. The URL listed on the flyer did take me to a landing page to get the bonuses, but when I entered my e-mail address and clicked the button to “send me these free gifts now!”, it returned with what was essentially a 404 page, with an “Oops, page not found! It seems that the page you are looking for does not exist.” error. Clicking on some of the other links on the site, including the blog, returned “nothing found” page errors as well. Either the Roxow site is new and still under development, or it was unfinished and abandoned. Neither scenario is a good sign.
So, I guess no workout ebook, video or other bonuses for me.
Also, I noticed several grammatical errors and typos in the marketing materials and at least one on the site, which gave me the impression English is not the first language of the company. Grammatical and spelling errors are not good for company branding and can ruin an otherwise good marketing campaign.
In summary, I like the product and I think it’s well made. However, considering the ebook and video were supposed to be part of the package, the product was not complete. I think Roxow needs to either keep the promises they make about bonuses or just don’t make promises they can’t keep.
I received a light blue Roxow Jump Rope free in exchange for my honest review. This review and opinions are my own.